
Dear Son on Your First Day of Kindergarten

By Sara Kunkel, Publisher/Editor Macaroni Kid Mt Carmel-Schuylkill-Pottsville August 27, 2018

Dear Son,

You are the one who made me a Mommy, which means we have experienced a lot of our firsts together. First baby.  First Christmas. First words. First steps. First birthday party. First ER visit.Today as I put you on the bus for your first day of Kindergarten, I want you to remember this.

I hope you did not see me crying as Daddy put his arm around me while you found your seat on the bus and it pulled away. I promise those tears were good ones. One day you will understand. 

I hope you are brave when you enter those school doors and find your classroom. I know it can be scary.  My invisible hand is there holding onto your's. 

I hope you ask for help if you need it. Everyone needs help sometimes, and it’s okay. 

I hope you make new friends and they are nice to you. I know you will be nice back.

I hope you see familiar smiling faces. I know that can help ease your nervousness, as well as theirs. 

I hope you know Mommy is thinking about you all day and wondering if you are okay.

I hope you love your teacher; I know how much a teacher loves her students as her own.

I hope you feel free to be yourself and you don’t change to suit anyone else. 

I hope you let other kids feel included, and they do the same for you. No one wants to feel small or left out. 

I hope you never lose the excitement you have for learning. You amaze us every day with your inquisitive nature and wisdom.

I hope you are an advocate if you see someone being bullied or treated unkindly. 

I hope you feel safe. The world outside our comfort zone can be scary and cruel, but I have hope for you and your generation. You guys are going to make the big differences in our world. I just know it. 

I hope you know how proud Daddy and I are of you. 

I hope you know you can tell me anything, without judgment and without feeling afraid to tell the truth. 

I hope you know.

Love, Mommy