
Take Care, Mama Bear

Simple Ways to Take Time Out for Yourself

By Sara Kunkel, Publisher/Editor Macaroni Kid Mt Carmel-Schuylkill-Pottsville April 30, 2018

I read it or hear it so often, the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup!"  Mothers especially know this to be true, and I don't think it really resonated with me until a year or so ago. It may seem silly, but it dawned on me one day as I looked down at my hands and couldn't remember the last time I had painted my nails. I used to always take time before bed to paint my nails; it made me feel pretty and feminine despite whatever else was going on.  It always served as a little pick-me-up. I have a little boy and little girl looking up to me (and another surprise baby on the way). I often wonder what they think of me, how they would describe me to someone else, etc. Do they notice my chub, my desperately-needing-bleach-and-tone hair with 2 inch long roots currently, the days I don't wear makeup? Then I realized none of that really matters. What matters is they have a mom who is patient, who uses kind words, who is HAPPY, who doesn't let stress rule the mood of our house or of the entire day. It is amazing how kids can really change your point of view on so many things, how they change you for the better. I decided to take time, even just once a week or so, to do something for myself. Sometimes I go out and buy myself lunch or breakfast while my son is at school, sometimes I take a nice hot bath with bath bombs and a face mask once the kids are asleep, sometimes I just go to bed early without switching the laundry around like I should have, or leave dishes in the sink for the morning. 

Sometimes we just put ourselves on the back burner to keep the peace, or because it just seems like the "right" thing to do, and don't realize we got left there.  Our kids, spouses, jobs, friends, family, pets; they all earn a spot higher on the priority list than ourselves. Where does that leave us? Tired, overworked, feeling resentful (maybe?), moody, emotionally unhealthy. You deserve more, mama bear. Fill that cup up.  You can't give of yourself constantly without replenishing. 

Here is a list of some ideas to help you love yourself more, be less stressed, and give yourself a little boost:

  • Paint your nails 
  • Give yourself a pedicure
  • Buy yourself a fancy coffee instead of making one at home.
  • Go for a walk before everyone else wakes up.
  • Buy yourself a new perfume.
  • Burn a yummy scented candle, wax melts or diffuse some essential oils. It's amazing the effect fragrance has on us!
  • Run yourself a bubble bath with lavender epsom salts. Drink wine or tea in said bubble bath. Lock the door.
  • Indulge your skin with a face mask. There are great ones here!
  • Go to sleep earlier
  • Binge watch one of your favorite shows
  • Put your phone down, on silent.
  • Give yourself a Facebook/social media break. Comparison and negativity are thieves of joy!
  • Take yourself out to lunch. Order whatever you want.
  • Treat yourself to a nice new shade of lipcolor or some new makeup
  • Drink more water; put slices of lemon, limes or strawberries in it.
  • Go to your local library and find a good book you've been meaning to read. Find your Schuylkill County library here.
  • Put on music while you clean, cook or hang around the house. Dance like nobody's watching. 
  • Paint some rocks! Hide them and share with Schuylkill County Rocks.
  • Book a free skincare consultation or makeover here!

